BEST of Bohol Project MOA signing with partner LGUs (May 11, 2007)
A new tourism (June 3, 2007)
Bohol waters under attack (June 29, 2007)
2D seismic survey suspension: a hollow victory (July 6, 2007)
Collaborating with government for WatSan: a success story (July 17, 2007)
With love and care as core values (July 26, 2007)
Project for goat raisers flips another year (August 11, 2007)
Seismic survey chronicles (August 15, 2007) 
Coastal villagers find comfort in EcoSan (August 23, 2007)
Renewing partnership with LGUs (September 5, 2007) 
Tenurial instrument for protected areas disseminated (September 24, 2007)

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